Friedrich-Miescher-Award for Paola

We just received the exciting news that Paola will get the 2018 Friedrich-Miescher-Award from the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences section of Life Sciences Switzerland. Congratulations to her!

by Paul Boersema

To commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of nucleic acids the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences section of Life Sciences Switzerland (formerly Swiss Society for Molecular and Cellular Biosciences/Swiss Society for Biochemistry) has created the Friedrich-Miescher-Award. The prize is intended to honour young biochemists and is donated by the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) in Basel. 

The jury committee of the Friedrich-Miescher-Award has selected two candidates for 2018: Dr. Paola Picotti (ETHZ) and Dr. Marek Basler (Biozentrum Basel).


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