Dr. Julian Trouillon


Dr. Julian Trouillon
  • HPM G 26
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Inst. f. Molekulare Systembiologie
Otto-Stern-Weg 3
8093 Zürich


Transcription factors (TF) control most cellular responses, and many of them act as direct sensors of signal metabolites to induce physiological adaptation. This process typically involves the coordination of numerous regulatory circuits, each responding to and generating different input and output signals. Since TFs are usually characterized through their output regulatory targets, we frequently lack information on their input signal, how it modulates their activity, and how signals are integrated into regulatory networks. Consequently, it is still very challenging to accurately predict or apprehend cellular responses to changing environments, an important limitation in many fields of biological research. In my research, I aim to develop experimental approaches for the systematic determination of metabolite inputs into transcriptional regulatory networks and to characterize the regulatory programs dictating metabolic shifts.

Before joining the Sauer lab in February 2021, I received my PhD from the Grenoble Alpes University where I worked on Pseudomonas aeruginosa transcriptional regulatory networks in the Attrée lab.

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