Dr. Abdullah Kahraman


Dr. Abdullah Kahraman
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ETH Zurich

Born in the German city Wetzlar, I did my undergraduate study in bioinformatics at the University of Applied Sciences Giessen. After receiving my diploma degree, I took the opportunity to do my Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge and the European Bioinformatics Insitute under the supervision of Prof. Dame Janet M. Thornton, where I analysed the complementarity in protein-ligand binding sites. With the successful defense of my Ph.D. thesis, I moved to the the Aebersold Lab at the ETH Zurich to do a Post-Doc in the field of proteomics and data driven molecular modeling with chemical cross-link data. As a research scientist in the lab of Prof. Paola Picotti I furthermore extended my knowledge in targeted proteomics and limited proteolysis. I then became advanced Post-Doc in the Mering Lab where I combined my extended experiences in the various omics fields to advance our understanding in angiogenesis and cancer treatment.

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