Sauer group: Interplay of posttranslational modification sites in enzyme activity regulation (Master project)

Research project available on investigating the interplay and protein activity fine-tuning of different posttranslational modifications (PTM) sites

by Dimitrios Christodoulou

Master project: Interplay of posttranslational modification sites in enzyme activity regulation

Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) are known as a fast cellular tool to alter protein properties such as catalytic activity. Despite the vast number of known PTM sites throughout the proteome, the functional role of most PTMs remains unclear.

The impact of individual PTM sites on enzyme activity has been studied for some cases, and often activity was only mildly affected by the respective PTM. However, the effect and importance of interplay of multiple PTMs on the same protein (PTM crosstalk) has been neglected so far. In the case of metabolic enzymes, PTM crosstalk could present a way of fine-tuning metabolic fluxes in response to nutrient availability or other cellular cues.

For this project, we have selected different previously detected PTMs on four central metabolic enzymes. Using the CRISPR/Cas9 method, you will construct a library of strains with different combinations of mutations in these PTM sites. You will physiologically characterize the mutants using microtiter plate cultivation and untargeted metabolomics. Using computational data analysis, you will identify novel regulatory PTM sites, their biological roles, and eventually characterize the interplay between these PTM sites.

Ultimately, your project will help to give novel conceptual insights into the interplay and protein activity fine-tuning of different PTM sites.

The project requires interest in both, wet lab as well as computational data analysis. Matlab experience is not a requirement, but helps.

Interested? Send us an email: or .

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